For Investors
City's actions concerning acquisition of investors and city development
The city runs a number of actions to attract investors and foster city development resulting from the adopted plans and strategic documents, first of all the "Development Strategy of the City of Jelenia Góra for the years 2014-2025".
The city of Jelenia Góra supports the local economy. Among actions for entrepreneurs and investors the following are worth mentioning:
- program of real estate tax exemptions under the de minimis assistance for entrepreneurs creating new workplaces within Jelenia Góra (Resolution no. 529.LVIII.2014 of Jelenia Góra City Council of 8 July 2014. - real estate tax exemption for entrepreneurs who create new workplaces and maintain increased employment for a period of at least 12 months);
- ensuring professional investor service and help of "the investment pilot" (City Hall employee) during the whole investment process, phone: 757546348 e-mail:;
- support for investors by accelerating administrative procedures necessary to start the investment project;
- assistance in business registration or obtaining necessary permits (e.g. permit for selling alcoholic beverages, transport license, etc.) – complex support provided by the employees of Customer Service centre; phone: 757546356;
- sharing urban business premises for the purposes of running business operations (rental and sale), phone 757546214, e-mail:;
- support in searching for qualified employees;
- adjusting the directions of professional education to the needs of investors.